Spiritual Support
The spiritual needs of patients and families and the process of grieving are intimately tied together.
Our goal is to meet individuals where they are on their unique spiritual journeys.
Our Chaplains are trained and experienced spiritual care providers who serve by providing a caring, compassionate ministry of presence to patients and their loved ones upon request. Our Chaplains are trained to:
- Provide spiritual support.
- Listen to the spiritual needs and concerns of patients and families without judgment.
- Help patients and families regardless of culture, faith or religion.
- Assist patients and their families to express and address spiritual, emotional, religious and cultural needs.
Chaplains serve patients and families as supportive witnesses to their sacred journeys in times of transition by assessing and offering appropriate spiritual support including:
- Providing a caring and compassionate presence.
- Providing spiritual counsel and guidance.
- Providing prayer with patient and family.
- Reading scripture, sacred texts, poetry and other literature important to the patient and family.
- Providing support through music including singing together or recorded music valued by patient.
- Providing sacraments consistent with the patient’s and family’s faith tradition.
- Facilitating requests to coordinate care with the patient’s clergy or community clergy regardless of faith tradition.
- Coordinating requests for other spiritual practices important to the patient and family.
Chaplains often promote spiritual well being by identifying and addressing symptoms of spiritual distress:
- Verbal questioning of the meaning of life and purpose of illness.
- Verbal questioning of one’s own belief system.
- Withdrawal from, or loss of, relationships.
- Expressions of anxiety, anger, fear and/or depression.
A crucial function of the non-denominational ministry of support and presence offered by our Chaplains is to provide a compassionate listening presence, as well as to provide appropriate spiritual resources, consistent support and comfort care that creates sacred space for patients, their families and loved ones. Hopefully, this will help the patient and family to express their spirituality over the course of the care process as they explore meaning and understanding through their beliefs, faith and values.